Pakenham Bowls Club Logo with Lion

Message from Gian – need your help

Dear Members,

I just want to thank Brian Norton for his on-going efforts in volunteering his time to organise and coordinate social bowls each week across multiple days.

Brian, your time, and service is greatly appreciated; they will be large boots to fill.

Brian has asked to take some time away from these duties to concentrate on playing some more social bowls and I fully support this.

Brian will be around to provide support and direction when needed.

So, I’m looking for some further volunteers to take on ownership to run our PBC social bowls days.

The options are :

  1. One member takes over Brian’s role and organise and co-ordinate social bowls on Saturday (Pairs), Tuesday (Triples) and Wednesday (Social Bowls) throughout Winter and Wednesday Social Bowls throughout the rest of the year.
  2. Three members,  who take over responsibility on specific days e.g. Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
  3. Roster – Social bowls days would have a nominated member to organise and coordinate each social bowls day off a roster system.

Members, we need some solution here and I need your help. If you can assist in any way, please give me a call on 0409 561 023 to have a conversation on how you can help the club.

I‘m keen to have this solution in place over the next fortnight.

Thanks for your time and happy bowling!
